In Desperate Need

I just need a camera right now. My blog just seems so empty and boring without any pictures, so I usually just trawl the internet to get pictures of celebrities or current happenings. I think I'm probably just going to start stealing my Dad's and taking pictures of just when I'm out and about - it's easier than describing anything with a hell of a lot of words.

So, what's going on with me? Well me and Amiee have decided we're going to start writing to one another, and so I'm going to buy a folder to compile all the letters I receive from her and stuff. It'll be nice to have an archive of retardness from her; heaven knows she'll be getting one from me.

I haven't been updating as recently as I used to, and that's due to a couple of things. Mainly because my work-load from sixth form and the fact that I have a pillow book to write in - which is a lot more private and it makes it a lot easier to be completely honest and stuffs.

Riight, well that was a pointless rant, I'm now going to go forth and enjoy my day of homework and then nothing-ness. Yay.




Oh, how I'm a sucker for a Love Story. I'm currently reading an amazing book entitled 'This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn'. I haven't really gotten that far into the story, I'm only on the hundreth page or something, (there are 800), but it seems like a very nice, honest portrayal of love, growing up, life, death and all of the little bits in between. I probably won't post much in the future, as I have a very private, more enjoyable pillow book of my own to write in every day.

Anyway, this music video made my heart melt, and appreciate Laura so much more. It's an amazing piece of artistry.

Perfection: Located.

Hey you guys, I haven't blogged in a couple of days now, but since I have no homework, and nothing much else to be doing, I've decided to blog and give you some kind of reading material - unless, of course, you have homework - in which case, I urge you to press the red X in the corner of your screen; I wouldn't want to be seen as a bad influence now, would I?

Okay, so what's happening in the world of Adam at the moment? OH! Well me and my friend Amy are planning to become summer Au Pairs in France so we can expand our knowledge of the French language, and of the French culture; which will be useful as we both plan to live there in the future. I'm looking around at the moment, but nothing is really popping up at me. I think I'll get her to help me along in the search. The whole point of doing this is because our French teacher has promised trips before but has ultimately disappointed us. I think we're going to go to the Norman Barnett or something trust to get £500 each from him - to pay for flights - and then basically what will be spending money. But sshh.

Before I go, I found picture of Hilary from a very recent photoshoot. She is just the epitome of absolute perfection. I totally would.



P.S - Stay true to yourselves.

Handling Critics

One thing people tend to compliment me on is the way I deal with criticism, or the people trying to put me down. It's funny, because I never really made a conscious decision to ignore those who find it hilarious to try and put me down; I guess that approach just came naturally...

I don't really bother with the people trying to make me feel two inches tall, because at the end of the day, they're nothing in the grand scheme of things. One lyric, whether this sounds sad or not, that comes to mind everytime I'm experiencing some kind of hardship is one from the song 'So Yesterday'.

'Laugh it off, and let it go and
Come tomorrow, it will seem so yesterday'

I'm always reminded that whenever someone is trying to put me down, or make me feel like my life isn't worth living, tomorrow is another day and I've got to be somewhat selfish and ignore their opinion. If you can't love and respect yourself, who can you love and respect?

What's it like for you guys? - Reply please.


Good Gaga

Well - I'm currently sat in some retarded computer room sitting through a 'study period' doing absolutely nothing of interest. As you probably saw in my previous post, I comp[leted all of my homework last night and so I have nothing to do.

The infidel, who is sat next to me, is researching the Feudal system for our history project. I do have to admit that without him our presentation would be a miserable failure - since me and Paul would just stand there and laugh, not knowing what to talk about.

By the way, did any of you see what Lady GaGa was wearing at the VMA's last night? I haven't seen the award show yet, because I'm in the UK - but she made the morning news anyway. She was wearing some ridiculous lace... gimp suit. She looked like she'd been mummified. If you haven't seen it, I'll add a picture for you in this post. Also, her performance - I saw a quick preview on YouTube - is supposed to be and looks, shocking and amazing. I can't wait to see it in high quality on my TV. I'll blog as I'm watching it later on tonight! I love the VMA's - they're the annual awards of epic proportions.

Until next time,




HOW can I have so much work in the second bastarding week of sixth form? It's crazy. Most of the work is really interesting, although it has to be said, my English Language work is exasperatingly dull. I don't want to analyse how some retarded woman talks to her daughter about cakes, plants and meat. I want to learn about the actual language, it's origins and how males use language differently to females. Oh, and also, I want to write creatively, and then write a commentary on it - NOT read about extroverted and eccentric cake-baking mothers.

Rant aside, I am genuinely enjoying sixth form, and even though I'm in a form full of weed-smoking pot-heads with no real aim in life, (and my two best friends, plus Amy, Megan and Lorna), it's incredibly laid back and just fun. I love it. I love the freedom I have in between classes, and I love how productive I'm being this year, as opposed to last year - the year in which I didn't really put much work in. I am quite aware that I need to put the work in to achieve the grades this year, so put the work in I shall.

I'll also take this time out to tell you all how immensely jealous I am of Amiee. She's living what should be my life. The whore. She's living out in Germany on her own, living her life independently from what I can gather, and I'd kill for an experience like that.


Still stuck in the UK.


Original Song: Pedal Down

Copyright; lyrics and music: Adam Clough 2009

Fashion, Transportation, and Money.

I was sure that this evening I wanted to write a blog, but I wasn't particularly sure what I was going to write about, so after a quick search in the colossus searching machine that is Google, I came across an interesting web page that lists certain topics for blog posts. The one that really caught my eye was one encouraging bloggers to list, describe and ramble about how they spend their money; so here goes.

A massive amount of my money goes on clothes, mainly because I think one of the best feelings in the world is the one that makes you feel good about yourself. I always under-estimated fashion when I was younger, but as I've grown older, I've realised what kind of an impact it has on my every day life - especially now I'm wearing what I want every day for sixth form. There's a standard to reach, if you understand. I don't know what it is, but I just enjoy the feeling of looking good, even if on the outside I look like a tit, it wouldn't matter to me, because I feel like I look good inside.

Another large chunk of any money I get goes towards the purchase of my first car, as well as the insurance and tax - not forgetting the lessons that allow me to drive in the first place. For my first car, I'm not really overly bothered, as I'm probably going to scratch it in some way, whether through a collision with a wall, or whether it's a lamp-post. I've been looking at Ford Fiesta's on eBay Motors, and they seem relatively cheap to run, buy etc, so I'm probably going to buy one of those. I can't wait for the independence, fun and practicality of having a car.

Talk to you later kids,

Adam, xo.

Bring On The Future...

I'm feeling incredibly optimistic about the next two years. Everything seems to be falling into place already in sixth form, and I just can't wait to get stuck into my education. Yes, I'm nerd-gasming but I don't particularly care. I've been driven for the past fifteen years, I think I can remain driven for another six or seven? The best part is, I'm enjoying it too. I feel so free in sixth form - and finally, I'm being treat like an adult, not some illiterate and inferior being.

So, I haven't really had a chance to tell you if anything new is going on in the world of me. The sad truth is, not much has happened - I'm still the same person, I'm still with the amazingly wonderful Laura, and I'm still singing; just try to shut me up. I didn't however, tell you about my GCSE results, which I shall promptly relay to you

English Language - A*
English Literature - A
Science - A
Additional Science - A
History - A
ICT - 2 Merits
French - A
RE - A
Maths - ... C

I was incredibly proud of my results. Maths at the end kind of fails in comparison, but hey, it's a pass - and of course means, NO MORE MATHS, EVER.

In other news, I'm still trying to get my mitts on the video from Whitby. Me and Josh snuck into the abbey and after insulting the supposed ghosts, I had a block of wood thrown at me. It's weird, 'cause there was no-one up there, it was pitch black, and the Abbey has no wood left in it. Freaky stuff.

I have renewed vigour to lose weight, although I'm pretty sure the vigour will soon go and I'll be left shovelling hot pockets, (like Randy - personal joke), into my mouth. Ah well, I guess I should learn to love myself... but not in a narcissistic way of course. Oh also, this is how me and my friends initiate conversation:

''PopCulture;; When I Close My Eyes, It's You I See says:
Greetings infidel.
[c=12]N-I-C-K-Y[/c] says:
hello inferior being''

So, before I leave you, I thought I'd share a picture of me and my best friend, (the infide mel - my other best friend wasn't there for the event) eating various pieces of confectionery. My dear girlfriend took the photo, whilst presumably also eating copious amounts of cake. Unlike however, both of the fuckers can eat what they like and stay thin.



Post Fail

Hello everybody out there in blog land. Yes, it's true, I haven't blogged anything in a couple of weeks as my internet was down when I returned from Whitby, but fear not, for it has just been put back up and I am yet again unleashed upon the world!

What a huge difference a couple of weeks makes, huh? I'm now an official sixth form student, and I've just come home from my first day, and therefore, I'm a little tired if the truth be told, so don't expect some amazingly long comeback blog, 'cause you ain't getting one. I know, I know, I'm the skid-mark on the pants of blogging entertainment.

In fact - that's it... I can't be bothered to write much more - apologies.

Au revoir mon amis.