Still In Newquay

Part Two: RAIN
It has decided to bastarding rain. Yes. The clouds have opened and therefore, an unhealthy and unwanted amount of precipitation has graced the campsite. And just to inform you, I'm sat here with a hot chocolate - in a huge orange mug. I even took a picture for your viewing pleasures. Annoyingly, Tom Jones has come on the overhead speaker and it's now penetrating my ears and making them bleed. I might ask the Lady Gaga look-a-like beind the counter to turn it off and put some of her own songs on.

Okay, so today has been pretty uneventful to be perfectly honest my dearies. Went swimming.... but it started raining, Gary complained and suddenly ran home, after trying to throw my towel into the pool.

Speaking of Gary, he produced another Garyism the other day. We were playing a board game where you get a card consisting of around 3 to 4 letters and you get a bomb that ticks away. With those three letters you have to make a word that has all of them in that particular order. We got one card which said, 'lan'. Gary - thinking he was genius said 'flang'. We were all confused - and when he said 'In the context of... I flang the frisbee', we had to tell him that flang... isn't in fact a word.

P.s - I miss my Lily.



When In Newquay

Sorry I haven’t blogged for the first bit of my holiday, however, I have been having a blast, and really, haven’t had much of a chance. We arrived to the site and it was raining, much to my disdain, so admittedly, I was in a bit of a mood, but since that point, it’s been an amazing holiday. No wonder they call this place the English Riviera, it’s so damn sunny and beautiful. In fact, I wouldn’t even know that I was in England, which for me, can only be a good thing.

The caravan is a bit cramped, but, what can you do? I’ve been in the Atlantic Ocean each day in a place called Holywell Bay, and it’s fun to just get bashed around by the waves. I’ve already tanned and burned… in fact - here’s a picture of me now… lucky you!

Okay, so perhaps the glare of the camera doesn’t show it, but I really do have a tan! For the first time in FOREVER! I would get a picture of the scenery, but my webcam is embedded INTO my laptop, so I’d have to roam around the camp site looking like an idiot, well more of one, waving my laptop above my head, as if I was desperately searching for an internet connection.

Well, the sea air takes it out of me, so I’m really tired, and I’m failing to write much else. To let you know, today I think we’re going to Land’s End, so I’ll take a picture by the sign thing and post it up whenever I get a chance.

Au Revoir Mon Amis!

Oh, if only I was in Southern France ;)




The above was written, just before I lost connection in this God-Forsaken internet cafe around five days ago, although, I won't complain, since I now have a connection. I have a feeling Laura has galavanted off to Bulgaria, so I'll leave a message for her here in case she reads my blog.

'Hi, whore' [I gots an awesome present, plz]

I've retreated to the café, in silly flowery shorts, wondering why a duck makes an appearance in 'Paparazzi - Lady Gaga'.... seriously - listen! You can hear a quacking sound... and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

Anyway bitches, I'm home soon, so goodbye!


Thankyou For The Maternity Pants

Okaayy, so it's now ONE day before I go to Newquay. Well, I'm going in the morning at THREE, and I also discovered today that the campsite has wi-fi down there, so I'll be taking pictures and letting y'all know what it's like down there via the medium of blogging. ;)

Oh also, please ignore the title, it's a quote from The Simpsons Movie, which was on my screen, until my Dad came in and put of some motorbike racing programme thing. It's positively dull... unless someone falls off, in which case, I find it highly amusing. Does that make me a bad person?

So today, we've been continuing our preparations, and now, I think, we're finally ready to go. The caravan has been pulled out from the back garden, and we used our friend's jeep to pull it out, as it had to off-road on some grass. God forbid our little Peugeot touches grass. On said extraction process, my brother decided to exclaim 'It's moving!'. I've actually, just come up with a new category, and I shall label them - 'Garyisms'... as his name is Gary. He's so retarded sometimes, and he comes out with the most stupid comments ever. That's why I love him though. Oh... and the fact that he's a close blood relative...

Okay, so yesterday, I treated you with a picture of me and my cat in the dark, and I introduced you to her, so I though, why not introduce you all to my dog? Behold, oh internet, for Dexter! He's a crazy little animal, and I love him very muchly. It hasn't always been that way though, as when he first arrived, I despised him. I thought he was bullying my dear Lilykins! (My cat). Please ignore my over-the-top facial expression and my failed hair.

Preparation Day

Today has been a day filled with preparation of sorts. We're going on holiday to Newquay (my first in-Britain holiday) on monday, in our OWN caravan, so naturally, everything must be perfect, so our trip can happen without any problems. So today, my time has really be consumed with getting clothes ready, getting shoes ready, and... watching a documentary about the life of the late Michael Jackson.

Okay... so maybe the last one doesn't count... but seriously guys, it was a real insight into how Michael's life was affected by his traumatic childhood. The interviewer, Martin Bashir or something, was a total dick-licking fanny... (bookmark for dick-licking fanny's!) and clearly didn't understand the lines in which he could not cross, meaning, he crossed all of them. He... God forbid, tried removing the blanket from the head of one of Michael's baby-things. Lolwhut? Baby things? I meant babies.

Anyways, I had a gig last night, and it went really well if I do say so myself, although the entire place was dead, there was a fight in which one guy got his ear bitten, and I was fighting a sore throat the entire way through my performance. It was cool though. Oh by the way, I just took this picture of me and my cat! She's called Lily, and even though she's fully grown, she's a tiny, kitten-like cat and I love her very very much. She's my Lilykins and I wub her. (Pictured Right).


I just thought I'd pop by and post a blog before I leave to set up for my gig. Today we're playing at a local bar, and it should sound pretty awesome tonight, as we're all warmed up and ready this time, whereas usually, we turn up and get ready there and then. I kind of like the feeling of organisation, although I'm rarely organised.

It's still raining. I'm not happy with the rain. It just makes everything seem a little more dull, in the day-time anyway. At night it's cool though. Does that make sense? No? Fuck you!

I'm stopping at my mate Ben's tonight, so yeah. I aren't going to be blogging until around Sunday, and then I still need to find out if the place I'm going to in Newquay for my holiday has internet. To be honest... I aren't looking forward to my holiday.

And I've been wanting one for years.

I just want to go abroad.

The Real Me

I just saw a cool video by Michael Buckley on YouTube entitled, 'The Real Me', and it got me thinking. I've never sat down and just thought about the real me, so I thought I might as well do the same, but in a text format.

I guess, there are loads of different versions of myself. There's the school version of myself to begin with, and I plan to kill this person. When I'm at school, I'm larger than life and very eccentric, and even though that's me sometimes anyway, it's not all the time, which I think my friends realise when they meet me outside of school. It's funny, because, subconsciously, I have made this extra part of myself, and I don't know why. The 'School Adam', sometimes comes across as being offensive and too much for people, and whilst I still jokingly insult people, due to my dark humour, it comes to the forefront a lot more in School Adam.

Then there's 'Family Adam'. I find that I'm never my full self when with family... well my extended family at least. Say, I'm with my Grandma or Auntie, I become quite an introverted, 'model' child and it's not because I feel uncomfortable in their presence, but mainly because I feel it's how I should behave around them. It's just... not me though.

What I'm saying is, there are many different parts of me, but when it comes down to it, I'm a rather sensitive, thoughtful and emotional person, and neither of these points comes through in any other 'alter-ego' if you will. Only a select amount of people know this side of me, and whilst I'm a funny, out-going and attention seeking person, I'm also a kind, loving and insecure one.

Just a thought for you all.

How many parts of you are there when you look?


First Post

May I please direct your attention to the title of this blog. It is so inventive, you don't even know! Well... actually you do... and for some obscure reason, I was doing the stereotypical black american woman head-swing whilst typing that.

So. I guess, for starters, I should tell you all about me. You know, all of those necessary (I remember how to spell that by 'one *C*ollar and two *S*leeves, bitches) niceties and what not. Is what not one word or two words? Whatnot... what not? You decide. Anyway. I am sixteen years of age, and I live in the great country that is Britain. I know that sarcasm doesn't even work textually, but just to let y'all know... that was sarcasm. My hatred for Britain is unparalelled. I'm sure I'll learn to love it when I move out. Yeah, one current argument with my parents right now is my decision to move out for university...

My dog is humping my little brother... one second... it sounds painful.

*Runs to inspect*


Hm. Nothing but a usual hump motion. As I was saying, I have decided that for my university education, I plan to move out, and preferably, (if I'm still with her and she goes to the same university), live with my girlfriend, whom I love very much. I just want my own independence, you know? I'm sick of sharing a bedroom with my brother, and it has now become a daily gripe of mine.

I'm currently in the holidays before I start my A Levels, and I have to say, they have been the best holidays yet. I think it's because I joined the band I'm in now. We all get along so well, and yeah, we've had a few arguments, but we really do get along, so in between gigs and stuff, we hang out and it's really cool. Speaking of gigs, we have one tomorrow, so when I get home, I'll let you all know how it went. This summer is also the bestest ever because I'm with Laura, so we've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm really happy with her. She's just like me, but not like me in equal measure, so we fit like a jigsaw.... Jesus H Christ, I did not just type that...

So. I guess... that's it. My first post. I hope I didn't waste too much of your life. Oh and by the way, where I'm sat right now, is so fricken' cool. I'm sat in my kitchen with the back door open in the dark, and all I can hear is the rain and my typing. It's so relaxing.
