So perhaps the blog title isn't the most inventive of titles - but how can one be inspired when one has to tidy ones room. Right - enough of the Queen's english.
I really should be tidying the mess that I didn't create, but instead, I've slumped onto my bed and began blogging about nothing in particular to procrastinate, even though I'm fully
aware I'll have to finish this bedroom before five o'clock tonight. The only thing that's cheering me up is the iPod docking station I randomly found in my kitchen. It's playing me the sweet melodies of said 'Wonder of the Week'. I think it's a cool little widget - I'll update it every saturday or something, so keep and eye out for it kids.
I also took a picture of myself marvelling at the docking station. I love how 'docking station' makes it sound like something from Star Trek. My hair is half-straightened in that picture, and I look a bit retarded. Also - no matter how hard I try, I can't hide the shame that is the Leeds United badge plastered all over my bedroom wall. My DVD play also makes a star appearance.
I really should be tidying the mess that I didn't create, but instead, I've slumped onto my bed and began blogging about nothing in particular to procrastinate, even though I'm fully

I also took a picture of myself marvelling at the docking station. I love how 'docking station' makes it sound like something from Star Trek. My hair is half-straightened in that picture, and I look a bit retarded. Also - no matter how hard I try, I can't hide the shame that is the Leeds United badge plastered all over my bedroom wall. My DVD play also makes a star appearance.