I've been surrounded by quite a bti of negativity recently, sometimes blurring my view. I've just been reading one of my old friends blogs, and she seems to be in a very dark place at the moment. How bad must your life be if you're constantly trying to end it?
So. This got me thinking - naturally. I never really tell any of my friends or family how much they mean to me, and how much I appreciate them. They are my life, and the reason I wake up in the morning. My Mum is my rock, my Dad is always there, and my Brother is my sparring partner. My friends are the greatest people on the planet and I love them all dearly, and I've never met anyone like my girlfriend, whom I adore, before... in a good way of course. (I think ;))
I've just been watching a vlog by Michael Buckley, (another one), and it really cheered me up - because reading that blog kind of upset me. He basically said, 'You Are Enough' and you know what? He's right. I like that little phrase, so for anyone reading - whenever you're down remember - 'You, Are Enough'
Failing that - remember the words of Hannah Montana - 'Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock'
FUCK YEAH. I'm superawesometastic.
P.s: The picture to the right is why I love my girlfriend so much. xx