School Years: Nursery

Hello out there to all the five viewers of my blog, (huge amounts, I know), and I came up with the idea of basically charting every single year of my school life in a set of posts. I'm gonna do them consecutively, year on year, just so you get to know me a little more - and because, well, it'll be nice for me to remember how I grew up and all of that sentimental crap.

I remember a lot of my friends went to pre-schoools... or creche's before they went to nursery. I think their parents sent them off in the hope that they'd become little Einsteins, either that, or just so they could do the bad thing. In reality the kids tend to go there and eat, throw paint at things and pull the teachers hair. Oh, and vomit... so I've heard.

I can remember a lot of the kids in my Nursery group cried, like, uncontrollably when their parents left them for the day, but I was like: 'Yeah, fuck you muthafucka's' and ran through the nursery doors excited about learning. Our Nursery was very cruel actually, it's perched on the top of some huge hill, which is still incredibly steep for me now, and I'm 6 foot 1. I'm fat now and I was fat back then, and so to actually get to the nursery in the first place, I'm surprised I didn't have to lie down and drag myself up by clawing at the asphalt. It was terrible, and we all had to do that every single day - and I could always see the teachers watching us struggle at the nursery windows. They were all sadists, obviously.

I do associate certain things with every year of my school life and I remember one thing about my first day, and one thing only. The sink. It was made of a hideous industrial steel and it was absolutely huge, bigger than my bath-tub at home. How sad is that? The only think I remember about my first day of education was a gargantuan sink. I was mesmerised by it.

There was also quite a bit of realisation for me. We were all four and five, yet they all seemed to know about sex, two kids, I won't say who, even had sex in the corner of the little courtyard behind this little fort we'd all made. It was just crazy - and it was a massive thing to me. Of course I went along with it and pretended I knew EVERYTHING about it, but really, I had a feeling everyone was a little confused and terrified.

Hilariously, my most vivid memory of nursery was when I accidentally swallowed an entire biscuit, whole. I was so proud of myself, and walked around, secretly thinking 'Yeah, I'm bad-ass, I can swallow biscuits... WHOLE'

So yeah, the rest is a bit hazy, but if anyone happens to come across this blog, just post a comment below - you don't even have to be a member of blogger to do so, and if I know you - you'd better post a comment - telling me about YOUR time in nursery. Did you even go to a nursery? Was it good, bad? Any vivid memories or can't you remember a thing? I'd love to know.


1 Response
  1. Im back bitch! 8D Says:

    oh DEAR LORD.
    Im sory but... LMAO! the mental IMAGe of you clawing your way up a road straingng as a little pudgy 5 year old is FAR too much for my wild imagination .

    and four and five years that know about sex? what IS our world coming to?! and omg EW EW EW EW EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

    well lets see... in nursery I can remeber runnig around with some random girl names victoria but i couldnt say her name proerly so called her 'toria, umm we used to mess around on trikes going INCREDIBLEY FAST when in reltityyou oculd proably walk faster than the speeds we were going at. umm we used to play this chef game where we used to sit in a little outdoor hut play gym climbing frame thing and pretend to be chefs and all that jazz. Uhhhh.... i rmeeber for some reason, being tol dicoudlt play in this one room but me, being the rebel i am defied that and happily toddled into said room and playing with these building blocks before running away to the finger paints to go create the mona lisa. :D