It has decided to bastarding rain. Yes. The clouds have opened and therefore, an unhealthy and unwanted amount of precipitation has graced the campsite. And just to inform you, I'm sat here with a hot chocolate - in a huge orange mug. I even took a picture for your viewing pleasures. Annoyingly, Tom Jones has come on the overhead speaker and it's now penetrating my ears and making them bleed. I might ask the Lady Gaga look-a-like beind the counter to turn it off and put some of her own songs on.
Okay, so today has been pretty uneventful to be perfectly honest my dearies. Went swimming.... but it started raining, Gary complained and suddenly ran home, after trying to throw my towel into the pool.
Speaking of Gary, he produced another Garyism the other day. We were playing a board game where you get a card consisting of around 3 to 4 letters and you get a bomb that ticks away. With those three letters you have to make a word that has all of them in that particular order. We got one card which said, 'lan'. Gary - thinking he was genius said 'flang'. We were all confused - and when he said 'In the context of... I flang the frisbee', we had to tell him that flang... isn't in fact a word.
P.s - I miss my Lily.