First Post

May I please direct your attention to the title of this blog. It is so inventive, you don't even know! Well... actually you do... and for some obscure reason, I was doing the stereotypical black american woman head-swing whilst typing that.

So. I guess, for starters, I should tell you all about me. You know, all of those necessary (I remember how to spell that by 'one *C*ollar and two *S*leeves, bitches) niceties and what not. Is what not one word or two words? Whatnot... what not? You decide. Anyway. I am sixteen years of age, and I live in the great country that is Britain. I know that sarcasm doesn't even work textually, but just to let y'all know... that was sarcasm. My hatred for Britain is unparalelled. I'm sure I'll learn to love it when I move out. Yeah, one current argument with my parents right now is my decision to move out for university...

My dog is humping my little brother... one second... it sounds painful.

*Runs to inspect*


Hm. Nothing but a usual hump motion. As I was saying, I have decided that for my university education, I plan to move out, and preferably, (if I'm still with her and she goes to the same university), live with my girlfriend, whom I love very much. I just want my own independence, you know? I'm sick of sharing a bedroom with my brother, and it has now become a daily gripe of mine.

I'm currently in the holidays before I start my A Levels, and I have to say, they have been the best holidays yet. I think it's because I joined the band I'm in now. We all get along so well, and yeah, we've had a few arguments, but we really do get along, so in between gigs and stuff, we hang out and it's really cool. Speaking of gigs, we have one tomorrow, so when I get home, I'll let you all know how it went. This summer is also the bestest ever because I'm with Laura, so we've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm really happy with her. She's just like me, but not like me in equal measure, so we fit like a jigsaw.... Jesus H Christ, I did not just type that...

So. I guess... that's it. My first post. I hope I didn't waste too much of your life. Oh and by the way, where I'm sat right now, is so fricken' cool. I'm sat in my kitchen with the back door open in the dark, and all I can hear is the rain and my typing. It's so relaxing.

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