Okaayy, so it's now ONE day before I go to Newquay. Well, I'm going in the morning at THREE, and I also discovered today that the campsite has wi-fi down there, so I'll be taking pictures and letting y'all know what it's like down there via the medium of blogging. ;)
Oh also, please ignore the title, it's a quote from The Simpsons Movie, which was on my screen, until my Dad came in and put of some motorbike racing programme thing. It's positively dull... unless someone falls off, in which case, I find it highly amusing. Does that make me a bad person?
So today, we've been continuing our preparations, and now, I think, we're finally ready to go. The caravan has been pulled out from the back garden, and we used our friend's jeep to pull it out, as it had to off-road on some grass. God forbid our little Peugeot touches grass. On sa
id extraction process, my brother decided to exclaim 'It's moving!'. I've actually, just come up with a new category, and I shall label them - 'Garyisms'... as his name is Gary. He's so retarded sometimes, and he comes out with the most stupid comments ever. That's why I love him though. Oh... and the fact that he's a close blood relative...
Okay, so yesterday, I treated you with a picture of me and my cat in the dark, and I introduced you to her, so I though, why not introduce you all to my dog? Behold, oh internet, for Dexter! He's a crazy little animal, and I love him very muchly. It hasn't always been that way though, as when he first arrived, I despised him. I thought he was bullying my dear Lilykins! (My cat). Please ignore my over-the-top facial expression and my failed hair.
Oh also, please ignore the title, it's a quote from The Simpsons Movie, which was on my screen, until my Dad came in and put of some motorbike racing programme thing. It's positively dull... unless someone falls off, in which case, I find it highly amusing. Does that make me a bad person?
So today, we've been continuing our preparations, and now, I think, we're finally ready to go. The caravan has been pulled out from the back garden, and we used our friend's jeep to pull it out, as it had to off-road on some grass. God forbid our little Peugeot touches grass. On sa

Okay, so yesterday, I treated you with a picture of me and my cat in the dark, and I introduced you to her, so I though, why not introduce you all to my dog? Behold, oh internet, for Dexter! He's a crazy little animal, and I love him very muchly. It hasn't always been that way though, as when he first arrived, I despised him. I thought he was bullying my dear Lilykins! (My cat). Please ignore my over-the-top facial expression and my failed hair.