Handling Critics

One thing people tend to compliment me on is the way I deal with criticism, or the people trying to put me down. It's funny, because I never really made a conscious decision to ignore those who find it hilarious to try and put me down; I guess that approach just came naturally...

I don't really bother with the people trying to make me feel two inches tall, because at the end of the day, they're nothing in the grand scheme of things. One lyric, whether this sounds sad or not, that comes to mind everytime I'm experiencing some kind of hardship is one from the song 'So Yesterday'.

'Laugh it off, and let it go and
Come tomorrow, it will seem so yesterday'

I'm always reminded that whenever someone is trying to put me down, or make me feel like my life isn't worth living, tomorrow is another day and I've got to be somewhat selfish and ignore their opinion. If you can't love and respect yourself, who can you love and respect?

What's it like for you guys? - Reply please.

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    you can love and respe......you can just love me? 8D

  2. Amiee Says:

    Dude, I totally use that moto with my friends, well.. the ones that need me to tell them that.