Bring On The Future...

I'm feeling incredibly optimistic about the next two years. Everything seems to be falling into place already in sixth form, and I just can't wait to get stuck into my education. Yes, I'm nerd-gasming but I don't particularly care. I've been driven for the past fifteen years, I think I can remain driven for another six or seven? The best part is, I'm enjoying it too. I feel so free in sixth form - and finally, I'm being treat like an adult, not some illiterate and inferior being.

So, I haven't really had a chance to tell you if anything new is going on in the world of me. The sad truth is, not much has happened - I'm still the same person, I'm still with the amazingly wonderful Laura, and I'm still singing; just try to shut me up. I didn't however, tell you about my GCSE results, which I shall promptly relay to you

English Language - A*
English Literature - A
Science - A
Additional Science - A
History - A
ICT - 2 Merits
French - A
RE - A
Maths - ... C

I was incredibly proud of my results. Maths at the end kind of fails in comparison, but hey, it's a pass - and of course means, NO MORE MATHS, EVER.

In other news, I'm still trying to get my mitts on the video from Whitby. Me and Josh snuck into the abbey and after insulting the supposed ghosts, I had a block of wood thrown at me. It's weird, 'cause there was no-one up there, it was pitch black, and the Abbey has no wood left in it. Freaky stuff.

I have renewed vigour to lose weight, although I'm pretty sure the vigour will soon go and I'll be left shovelling hot pockets, (like Randy - personal joke), into my mouth. Ah well, I guess I should learn to love myself... but not in a narcissistic way of course. Oh also, this is how me and my friends initiate conversation:

''PopCulture;; When I Close My Eyes, It's You I See says:
Greetings infidel.
[c=12]N-I-C-K-Y[/c] says:
hello inferior being''

So, before I leave you, I thought I'd share a picture of me and my best friend, (the infide mel - my other best friend wasn't there for the event) eating various pieces of confectionery. My dear girlfriend took the photo, whilst presumably also eating copious amounts of cake. Unlike however, both of the fuckers can eat what they like and stay thin.


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